Myllykyläntie curtains designing and manufacturing english version

Myllykyläntie curtains designing and manufacturing

We are designing new curtains for two classes of Novida ammattiopisto

At first, everyone made their own design and allowed the customer choose any of those. This picture has a chosen curtain design and includes acoustic boards. The plan had a slight of change in the customer wishes.

Päivi Katajamäki the designer and supervisor of this curtain design. She's holding in her hands fabric pattern and selected colors for the curtain making.

In the morning, we discussed the changes to the designs, we took notes for preparation. In the divison of work tasks we decided who does what.

(Above the left) Working this week and what we do.
(Below the left and right) What was spoken in the morning. The number and order of acoustic boards was suggested.
(Above the right) Job sharing
Pictures and texts Jenny-Maaria Koivisro


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